Oct. 17, 2010

Nikola Tesla

I’m starting work on a short film about the insane genius inventor Nikola Tesla with my friend, the insane genius composer Bob Charde. Actually, Bob isn’t insane–just insanely talented–and he wrote a terrific song about Tesla and his accomplishments. Now its up to me to create an animation that reaches the high bar Bob has set.

This is one of my first attempts at drawing Tesla. It’ll be interesting to see how the art evolves as I get deeper into the project.

Oct. 5, 2010


Had the pleasure of hanging with Jason Singer recently–actor, voiceover artist, world traveller, prolific photographer, writer, tinker, tailor, and who the hell knows what else. Good guy to hang with, if you get the chance, but what really grabbed my attention was that over his lengthy career Jason has done voices for some of my favorite video games: Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Dragon Age (both Origins and Awakening).

So. Damn. Cool.

Now I must play these games again–you know, to really listen to Jason’s work, now that I know he’s in there. For my job. Really. I might need to hire a good voice guy someday.

Anyway, this got me thinking–I’ve wanted to work in the video game industry for almost thirty years, since I logged hundred of hours playing Quest for the Rings on my Odyssey2, Ultima III on my C-64, and other games. A LOT of other games. And yeah–I was uncool, before it was cool. I even applied for a job at Origin after I graduated from college, but it wasn’t to be. Sigh.

So, regardless of how far-fetched it is, the dream still lives. I’ve even been sketching characters for my own game. Here’s one I call “Warrior”. He’s a warrior, who…uh…wages war on things. And stuff.

More to follow over the next couple days.